
What Blinds Are Perfect for Allergy-Stricken People to Help Them Breathe Easy?

What Blinds Are Perfect for Allergy-Stricken People to Help Them Breathe Easy?
26 Jun 2024

Unquestionably, Perth's weather and outdoor lifestyle are appealing, but allergy patients may find that the same conditions cause them to constantly sniffle and have itchy eyes and noses. Even the most thorough cleaning regimen may not be sufficient to combat the damage that dust mites, pollen, and pet dander can do indoors. But worry not! There is a solution to allergies. If you're fighting for a healthy home environment, the correct blinds can be a very effective weapon.

We'll look at the best blinds that Perth residents with allergies can get, talk about important features, and offer advice on how to maintain allergen-free blinds in this blog. Let's make your house a comfortable refuge where your sinuses are clear!

Blind Types: Allergy-Friendly Options For Perth’s Citizens

These blinds available in Perth are ideal for people with allergies, installing which they shall be able to fight the allergens out:

  • Vinyl Vertical Blinds: 

A tried-and-true option for those with allergies. They are simple to clean with a damp cloth due to the smooth vinyl surface's ability to repel dust and allergens. Additionally, there are fewer horizontal areas for dust to collect thanks to the vertical slats.

  • Aluminum Venetian Blinds:

These blinds are a fantastic alternative that can be easily cleaned using a vacuum attachment with a soft brush attachment. To make cleaning easier, go with larger slats, and use a baked-on enamel finish to keep dust from sticking to the surface.

  • Faux Wood Blinds:

Do you wish your style was more organic? A fashionable substitute for real wood blinds that don't use fabric tapes that trigger allergies is faux wood blinds. Avoid textured finishes on blinds as they can collect dust and choose instead for smooth, wipeable blinds.

  • Roller Blinds:

These straightforward blinds are easy to maintain dust-free since they are composed of just one fabric sheet. Choose synthetic materials that are easy to clean and resistant to allergens, such as vinyl or polyester. For bedrooms, think about installing a blackout roller blind to reduce dust mites, which are like humid, dark spaces.

Features to Consider for Allergy-Friendly Blinds:

The discussed blinds are available in the market on being attributed with these features: 

  • Motorization:

 By removing the need to come into contact with dusty chains or cords, motorised blinds reduce the possibility of allergic reactions.

  • Moisture Resistance:

To avoid mould and mildew growth, which are typical allergy triggers, use blinds made of moisture-resistant materials, such as vinyl or aluminium, for bathrooms or laundry rooms.

  • Antimicrobial Coatings:

To help further reduce allergens, certain blinds are available with unique antimicrobial coatings that can help stop the formation of mould and bacteria.

Cleaning Tips for Allergen-Free Blinds

Just installing the blinds is not enough. You have to be careful about keeping the blinds clean and free from allergens.

  • Regular Vacuuming:

At least once a week, use a vacuum with a gentle brush attachment to remove dust and allergens from your blinds. Take special note of the bottom rails, headrails, and slats.

  • Damp Wiping:

Use a moist microfiber cloth to clean vinyl, aluminium, and imitation wood blinds at least once a month. For more stubborn dirt, you can dilute the water with a mild detergent solution.

  • Deep Cleaning:

Take down your blinds and give them a deeper clean every few months. Wipe them down with a clean, wet towel after soaking them in warm water with a mild detergent solution (see the manufacturer's directions for individual materials). Let them dry completely before hanging them again.

  • Clean Roller Blinds:

Spot cleaning or hand washing are options for certain roller blinds made of synthetic materials. Before trying to wash, make sure you read the label's care recommendations.

  • HEPA Air Purifier:

To capture dust mites and pollen, among other airborne allergens, get a HEPA air purifier.

Selecting the appropriate blinds and maintaining a regular cleaning schedule will help you breathe easier and greatly lower allergies in your house. Your best option is to get blinds made of smooth, non-porous materials like aluminium, vinyl, or faux wood. Prioritise blinds that are simple to clean or hoover, and choose designs with few gaps where allergens can hide. You may enjoy the sunshine and fresh air without becoming sick from allergies in your Perth home with a little preparation and the appropriate blinds. Go forth now and tackle Perth's natural beauty as well as those allergens!

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